Health benefits of ginger beer abound! There are many reasons to take ginger daily and one way to do that is to drink healthy ginger beer!

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Ginger is a health powerhouse
One of my all-time favorite spices in fall and winter baking and in drinks, is ginger. My favorite tea is just plain ginger root simmered for a few minutes, then I drink it hot with nothing else added. My next favorite tea contains ginger in a mix of other spices like turmeric, cardamom, cloves, cayenne and cinnamon plus elderberries, rosehips and hibiscus. Then I drink it sweetened with honey, it is my winter comfort tea.
But in summer, nothing beats an ice cold homemade ginger beer not too sweet and full of fizz.
Ginger root is not only super tasty and enhances so many recipes, it is also super healthy. And all that goodness transfers into the health benefits of ginger beer. Ginger is loaded with beneficial components. This makes it actually an important addition to a daily health regimen for several health concerns. But you can also take it to increase overall well-being and to stay healthy. Ginger is in the same plant family as turmeric and cardamom and all are powerhouses for health.
Read on to discover the many reasons why ginger should be part of your everyday diet. There are few people who can’t have ginger for various reasons, as is the case with all foods. But for most of us, adding ginger to our diet can only be a good thing.
What are the health benefits of ginger beer?
Ginger (zingiber officinale) has a long history of medicinal use in many cultures. And as usual, science is taking a long time to catch up. But there are promising lab studies , which validate the positive effects of ginger. And So many anecdotal claims have been substantiated by now. So if you like to have scientific or lab tested evidence, you will be able to find numerous studies. There is a simple graphic showing many of the potential health benefits attributed to ginger on this National Library Of Medicine page.
According to a study published in the National Library Of Medicine: “Ginger (underground rhizomes of Zingiber officinale) is a famous spice which has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant in different traditional medicine systems. The therapeutic effects of ginger have also been validated by modern research, rendering it as a potential medication for a variety of disorders. Gingerols and shogaols represent the predominant pungent constituents of ginger responsible for many of its medicinal properties.”
I’ve got instructions on how to make a simple healthy ginger ale. But to get all the health benefits of ginger beer, including the probiotics, I encourage you to learn how to make the best ginger beer using a ginger bug. Now let’s look at why both are so healthy.
Ginger properties and health benefits of ginger beer

Main constituents in Ginger
Ginger contains two majorly powerful volatile phenolic compounds, gingerol and shogaol. And it is those, to which most health benefits are attributed. But there are others as well, such as zingerone and paradol, terpenes, polysaccharides, lipids, organic acids, and raw fibers. Numerous conditions listed below can be improved by these bioactive compounds.
Ginger also contains Vitamins B6 and C, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
Main biological activities of Ginger
Ginger is antibacterial, antimicrobial, anticancer, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic. It includes neuroprotective, cardiovascular protective, respiratory protective, antiobesity, antidiabetic, antinausea and antiemetic activities.
Oxidative stress
Ginger’s strong antioxidant properties are important in alleviating oxidative stress by balancing the free radicals in our body. So if we take in enough antioxidants to satisfy the free radicals, they will not proceed to take molecules from other healthy cells in our body to become stable. Thus increasing our intake of antioxidants, can help protect against cell and tissue damage caused by free radicals. And it is a known fact that cell and tissue damage from free radicals can cause a number of ailments.
Free radicals damage the parts of our cells that allow them to work properly. Oxidative stress is believed to be a source for the onset of chronic disease and degenerative conditions. These can include cancer, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, neurological disease, respiratory disease, chronic inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis.
In order to reduce or eliminate oxidative stress, the expert’s advice is to increase our intake of antioxidants from as many sources as possible.
Here are some sources if you like to explore more detail on this important subject:
Cleveland Clinic: Oxidative Stress: causes, symptoms and treatments
North Kansas City Hospital: 5 health benefits of Ginger
National Library of Medicine: Effect of Ginger on Inflammatory Diseases
Quote from the National Library of Medicine: “Ginger contains a vast amount of antioxidant compounds, nearly 40, which can be used to treat various inflammatory conditions. Thus, the gingerols, shogaols, and diarylheptanoids in ginger may alleviate some symptoms from an inflammatory process.”
The oils in ginger can possibly inhibit inflammation in the liver. Ginger can help support liver health and protect against toxins such as alcohol.
Cancer and Tumors
Ginger can help prevent the growth of cancer cells by triggering their apoptosis. (A type of cell death in which a series of molecular steps in a cell lead to its death. This is one method the body uses to get rid of unneeded or abnormal cells).
Ginger has been shown to have anticancer and antitumor properties.
Fights Viruses
Fresh ginger is antiviral and can stop the reproduction of respiratory and other viruses. However, dried ginger did not in studies.
Inflammation and bacterial infections
It is great for inflammation and an inflamed, sore throat. It is antibacterial and can help protect against colds and it can help ease congestion. Ginger is drying, and so it can also help break up mucus and expel it from your lungs. It can also help reduce pharyngitis, a respiratory inflammation.
Immune Support
Ginger is considered a warming herb that can help activate the immune system. This powerful root can support and boost the immune system during colds and flu and help with fever, coughing, sore throat, and other symptoms. Ginger’s decongesting attributes can also help with respiratory illnesses.
In studies, ginger showed a higher antibacterial effect than antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes, which causes strep throat.
Nausea and Vomiting
The most common application and arguably the most well known, are ginger’s anti-nausea and antiemetic properties.
Ginger can help alleviate nausea, vomiting, constipation, upset stomach and indigestion. It is reported to help with morning sickness, motion sickness, after-surgery nausea and cancer treatment related nausea.
Ginger can help with indigestion due to food taking too long to leave the digestive tract. Its carminative properties can expel gas and help with bloating and colic as it helps speed the elimination process.
Joint Pain and Arthritis
The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are known to help with joint pain. Daily consumption of ginger can reduce stiffness and pain in osteoarthritis cases and some suggest in rheumatoid arthritis.
The positive effect of taking ginger internally has been studied and verified in the past. But recent studies are also finding that application of the ginger oils (such as essential oils of ginger with a carrier oil or in a salve) directly on the affected body part can help with pain relief and improve circulation in the area where it is applied.
Heart disease, blood pressure and circulation
Ginger has been found to lower heart cholesterol and help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.This was confirmed in human and animal studies
It improves the efficiency of the heart and promotes blood flow.
Ginger can lower blood pressure as well, as some studies prove true.
Daily consumption can help prevent and heal certain chronic illnesses: “โฆginger has a potential preventive property against some chronic diseases, especially hypertension and CHD, as well as its ability to reduce the probability of illness”.
Menstrual cramps
In a study with women who suffered menstrual pain, it was shown that ginger relieved it just as effectively as ibuprofen and other NSAIDs.
Blood Sugar and Diabetes mellitus
The active components in ginger can lower blood sugar levels. There are some strong indications that gingerol can help keep blood glucose levels steady, which would help with management of type 2 diabetes. According to one study, it improves insulin sensitivity as well and helps with diabetes side effects. Some Studies have shown that even a small dose of ginger can reduce blood sugar levels.
Mental health
It’s likely that ginger can provide protection against Alzheimer’s disease. And there is also some promise, that ginger can boost memory, attention, focus, and may help you think more clearly.
Obesity and weight loss
Ginger can also help with weight loss and obesity. According to the Times of India, ginger can boost metabolism, increase thermogenesis, which is the process of heat production in the body. When taking ginger, it can burn more calories throughout the day by the increased metabolic rate. It can also help reduce appetite, leading to reduced calorie intake.
Some herbalist quotes
Rosemary Gladstar in Medicinal Herbs:
Another of our kitchen medicine miracles, ginger runs a close second to garlic in versatility and popularity, both culinarily and medicinally. … And ginger is highly regarded as a medicinal herb.
The How To Herb Book:
(Ginger) is used in the bathtub to promote perspiration, to relieve congestion, and fevers; to help relax and relieve tired, achy muscles after over-exercising.
Dr. Marisa Marciano, ND
Zingiber increases the flow of saliva and is a stimulating tonic for the digestive system. Reduces cramping, gas and nausea. Indicated for motion sickness. Increases the peripheral circulation and detoxifies the body from toxins associated with rheumatism. Can be used topically for inflammatory conditions such as RA, OA, bursitis and muscle sprains.
Daily use of ginger and the health benefits of ginger beer

Ginger is clearly a super healthy food that we should add to our diet more regularly. You can try to find ways to add it to meals, snack on crystallized ginger instead of other candy, make ginger tea, ginger shots, ginger ale, ginger kefir, and ginger beer.
Ginger has the greatest benefit if it is used fresh. It will contain more of the active ingredient gingerol. But use dried ginger if that is all you can get. It is still very potent. And try as always, to use organically grown ginger root.
Simmering ginger just for a few minutes increases many of its benefits. And while it will reduce the vitamin C content, there are so many ways to get vitamin C and less ways to get all the other benefits of ginger. So overall, simmering ginger makes it more useful for health purposes.
Note that not every person reacts in the same way to any substance. Ginger might have dramatic positive effects for you, but another person might not notice anything. And yet another might have an allergic reaction. But that does not mean that it is not healthy. Unless you’re allergic, it can still support you in many ways.
Now there are always 2 sides to the same coin. So what’s on the other side?
While ginger is generally safe to consume, there are a few areas of caution where consuming ginger might affect certain people adversely.
Too much ginger can cause acid reflux, heartburn and diarrhea in some people. So if you have problems with heartburn, take it easy on the ginger.
If you’re pregnant, consult with your midwife or physician about taking ginger. However, there is no evidence that ginger is unsafe for pregnant women and ginger can help with morning sickness. But some do advise against taking a lot of ginger during pregnancy.
One concern is the blood thinning property of ginger. While that is a very positive thing, in preventing strokes and blood clots, it can be problematic if you have a bleeding disease. If you’re about to have surgery, you should also lay off taking ginger. Also, use ginger in moderation and talk to your physician, if you have low blood pressure or are taking high blood pressure or blood thinning medication.
While ginger helps with blood sugar issues, you should check with your physician if you’re on diabetes medication because it may interfere with the medication.
It may stimulate the gallbladder and so if you have gallstones or a history of oxalate-containing kidney stones, check with your physician about taking ginger.
Downsides of many commercial ginger ales
What are called ginger ale in the grocery store and are located in the soft drink soda aisle, are hardly what you would call healthy.
If you buy ginger ale, in order to get the health benefits and to help any of the ailments listed earlier, you could be disappointed. So be aware that a lot of modern ginger ale, most likely contains no ginger at all. Instead they are full of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners.
These can bring about weight gain and chronic diseases. Soda aisle ginger ale can cause all the diseases that you want ginger to help prevent. Such as diabetes, heart disease, cavities, obesity and others. Moreover, artificial sweeteners in diet ginger ale, can cause gut problems and cancer, and who knows what else that we haven’t found out about yet.
So my advice is to stay clear of those bad guys and stock up on some ginger ales that are good for you. This way you have some handy to help with ailments when they strike. So, look for real ginger as a key ingredient, preferably cane sugar or honey for sweetener, natural flavors and no added chemicals, artificial flavoring, or food coloring. Choose natural ingredients and always choose organic if you can find it to help reduce your intake of pesticides and antibiotics.
There are a lot of really good commercial ginger ales and ginger beers available, that are organic and made with healthy, real food ingredients. But they are expensive. However, I do recommend Reed’s Ginger Beer. This is really tasty and very gingery, made with honey and real ginger and it’s non-GMO.
The Pauper’s way to get the health benefits of ginger beer
So what is a poor churchmouse to do who wants some healthy ginger beer on a budget? Well, she makes it herself from scratch of course! It takes just ginger and some sugar or honey. Ginger beer is created with a starter that is super easy to create and can be kept going on your counter, to brew a couple of quarts of this non-alcoholic ginger beer (less than 0.5%) every day. Once that is done, it takes me about 5-10 minutes a day to make all I can drink of the healthy brew. Click here to get the Best Ginger Beer recipe! It contains all the health benefits of ginger beer plus probiotics!
My suggestion is to make ginger part of your daily health regimen

Considering the awesome benefits of taking ginger, and how tasty it can be as a main ingredient, I think it should be part of anyone’s diet, who is not allergic or has rare health issues that can be negatively affected by taking ginger.
Ways to add ginger to your diet
Easy ways for taking ginger is as a dried ginger seasoning in baked goods or sweet and savory dishes. Indian and Chinese people add ginger to many recipes. Ginger water or ginger tea are simple drinks you can make. You can take daily ginger shots as well. If you have an urge for a sweet treat, use crystallized ginger or ginger candy in place of other candy. Try some ginger jam as condiment or on top of a nut butter sandwich. Cooking or simmering Ginger increases the potency of it’s phenolic compounds.
Take advantage of the awesome taste and get the health benefits of ginger beer to boot
You could also take ginger supplements, but a healthy ginger beer made from organic fresh ginger root is so much tastier and is more natural. Add some lemon juice or lime juice and it makes for a superb drink plus has added vitamins. A little cayenne pepper and some natural antioxidant fruit juices such as aronia, pomegranate, or black cherry can further enhance your power brew for health. Add to that the probiotic benefits that develop during the fermentation process and you’ve got a mighty superbrew. Ginger is your super hero that saves the day. Get the instructions and more on how to make the best ginger beer recipe!
If you like ginger ale lite, check out my recipe to make a simple healthy ginger ale! No brewing required, just add carbonated water.
Learn how to make a ginger bug to brew your best ginger beer and many other natural sodas.
If you love ginger, let me know below and if you have suggestions of other ways on how to add ginger to the diet, I’d love to hear about them in the comments below. And if you experienced any health improvement from using ginger, it would be super cool if you’d share it below.

And to get all the health benefits of ginger beer, don’t forget to head on over to the ginger beer recipe. Say cheers with a glass of ginger beer!
Disclaimer: The material on this site is intended to be for general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before making any changes in your diet or exercise regimen.
What to read next:

Ginger Beer Recipe: fizzy, delicious, healthy! Create your own non-alcoholic ginger beer from scratch, using ginger bug. Customize with your favorite add-ons. Enjoy a fizzy summer drink that is so much better in taste and for your body, than grocery aisle soda.
Ginger bug recipe puts exciting fizzy sodas on your table! Meet my friend the ginger bug and learn how to get one started for yourself. She’s the vital ingredient to making this old fashioned home brewed non-alcoholic ginger beer that will rock your socks off!
Healthy Ginger Ale Recipe for a quick refreshing pick-me-up! Learn all about the awesomeness of ginger. Health benefits you can gain for your body when you include this versatile plant into your daily health regimen. Improve your well being get healing with many chronic issues.
Fermented Ginger Honey – Keep this potent fermented health food on hand. Use the powers of Ginger and Honey in a tasty syrup form that you’ll love.
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Organic bottled lemon juice
Ginger juice
Crystallized ginger
Ginger candy
Reed’s Ginger Beer
Ginger jam
Ginger tea bags
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